Hotel Name : Hotel Oasis
Address of the Hotel : Kolatoli, Coxsbazar
Phone Number : 01856699910, 01856699911
About this Hotel : Hotel Oasis is situated in kolatoli beach in Cox’sbazar. It is one of the 5 star amusement hotel of Bangladesh going to be built at Cox’s Bazar by OASIS Hotel and Resorts Ltd. This unequaled beachside hotel is designed following the UNWTO and QTA 5 star hotel standards. As a result you can enjoy the real experience of a 5 star hotel beside the great views of world’s longest beach right here in Bangladesh. With the conceptual design of Kwanchai Phalajivin, a distinguished international architect, this hotel is scheduled to be open in 2016.
Hotel Oasis aspires after introducing versatile amusement and entertainment to our tourists that was unheard of in Bangladesh. Thus Hotel Oasis also aims to strengthen our tourism industry with imaginative use of our own water world and most updated 5 star experiences in a most competitive offer.
Haji Delowar Hossain, a respected business man in Chittagong and Cox’s Bazar is the Chairman of OASIS Hotel and Resorts Ltd. Major Delwar H. Khan (Rtd.) is the Managing Director of OASIS Hotel and Resorts Ltd.
More info/Contact
For Hotel Booking, you can contact with us via phone @ +88 01856699910, +88 01856699911 (2pm-10pm) or email: